Lesbian Conversation Starters
The lesbian phone chat lines offer great conversations and meaningful experiences between callers that think alike. To make your lesbian chats more fun and engaging, we are sharing with you a list of interesting conversation starters that can set the pace of your discussion. These examples can also give you ideas on what to talk about with your lesbian chat partner.

"What made you decide to call the lesbian chat lines and join the queer bandwagon?"
"They say that it's more fun being a girl. How much do you agree or disagree? Please share with me your opinions about this presumption."
"When did you realize that you prefer to date girls? Tell me the upsides and downsides of dating a girl, in your opinion."
"Tell me five interesting things about yourself, like your hobbies, favorites, weird habits, or the craziest thing on your bucket list."
"What are your thoughts about lesbian relationships and same-sex marriage?"
"When you're in a relationship, are you the man or you prefer to assume an equal role with your partner?"
"Have you been out on a date with guys before? What was the experience like for you?"
"Can you share with me the best and worst part of discovering your sexuality? Tell me about the questions and doubts that crossed your mind when you first realized that you were attracted to girls."